Saturday, July 24, 2021

The race to replace Paxton: It's all about the money, and who is "voting" with the big checks (at least for now)

Original Story (recycled for weekend edition)

Dozens of Paxton donors "defect" and back challengers 

In this weekend's front-page story, the Houston Chronicle spills much ink about the declining fund-raising prowess of embattled incumbent AG Ken Paxton. No substantive discussion of what the office of AG is all about, or what proposals (if any) the two GOP challenger might have for doing the job differently, and better. 

Democratic contender for AG and long-time Paxton detractor, Joe Jaworski, has set forth concrete priorities and policy positions on his campaign websites for months now. Alas, the Chronicle didn't even find it worth mentioning his name, and fails to acknowledge that there is now a contested primary on the other side of the political devide as well, following the recent announcement of a bid to beat and succeed Paxton by Lee Merritt.   

Money over substance, mirrored in the mainstream media's coverage of the campaign. 


Dozens of Paxton donors give to challengers. Defections to Bush, Guzman point to a tight GOP race for AG and weakened incumbent. HOUSTON CHRONICLE 2021-07-24 by TAYLOR GOLDENSTEIN. 

Original version of story: Texas AG Ken Paxton's donors are defecting to his challengers and taking big money with them (

George P. Bush outraises Attorney General Ken Paxton in primary challenge debut, though Paxton has bigger war chest. Bush started his Paxton challenge with a fundraising lead of $2.3 million to $1.8 million, but Paxton easily maintains the most cash on hand in a primary that also includes Eva Guzman, the former state Supreme Court justice. TEXAS TRIBUNE 2021-07-16. by PATRICK SVITEK. 

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